2016-07-08 Bryan OH

A group of 6 Model A's and two moderns made the 3 day 375 mile round trip to Bryan Ohio.  We started in favorable weather and ended in 85 degree sun.  Our Model A's performed very well with no major incidents.  We had a few snap, crackles and pops but nothing major.  The trip was well planned and the accommodations were very nice. 

We spent most of Saturday at Sauder Village.  It was well worth the trip.  Jack Bahm has friends in Bryan and one asked all of us to their home.  We went and had a great time.  Our tip home was relatively uneventful. Sturgeon thought he had a problem but he didn't.  I just think that he wanted the attention.  I want to thank Rod and BC and well as Bob and Jeanne Sawdon for planning an excellent trip.  Bob's Tijuana Taxi  performed flawlessly.  (Submitted by Jim Zellen)